Meet Sarah
Sarah Bringhurst, RN, Certified Herbalist, and most importantly: wife and mother of six beautiful children.
I am passionate about continuous learning about therapeutic modalities that help the organic human body, as I believe our bodies are sacred tabernacles of our spirits (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

how it all started
The Story
My favorite class by far in High School was Human Anatomy. I sat in the front row of the tiny classroom, and on the wall directly in front of me was a poster of a female nurse in blue scrubs with a stethoscope hanging around her neck. Across the top of the poster in large letters it said, “Become a Nurse.” My mother was also a nurse, so between her influence and looking at that poster every day of my senior year, I knew that Nursing was the career path I was going to take. I became a Registered Nurse when I was 21 years old.

As life went on, hard times happened, and I turned my heart more fully toward my Creator. I began to learn about His creations all around me, and how the earth through nature brought forth beautiful things that can abundantly help the body. I began more than ever to prioritize my spiritual growth and nourishing my heart. I started spending more time in nature, began to learn gardening, and started switching to the most natural and organic products and foods I could find. In addition to this, I began trying herbal remedies for my own ailments (asthma and recurring respiratory illnesses, allergies and food sensitivities, eczema, cystic acne, anxiety, depression, the list goes on…), I was shocked that for the first time, I actually found relief and began to see a light at the end of the tunnel! I was thereafter on a mission to detox and find healing for myself and my family from a spiritual, mental, and physical perspective. Balance and harmony can only be achieved when the body is seen in context of all three! The healing journey continues in our family to this day with much joy, relief, and hope for a future of health and wellness!

The Why
I created Sarah’s Herbal Garden because I want to offer the same hope for health and wellness to others! I want to help YOU find the path of an abundant life that our creator intended for us from the beginning. Herbs can support the self-healing your body was designed to do.